A New Start?

Around two hours later, Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran's force of presence finally turned stable.

Ling Lan retracted her domain.

The two of them opened their eyes almost simultaneously. They looked at Ling Lan with a complicated expression. Should they hate him or thank him? He destroyed their dream but also helped them to kill the devil in their hearts. Due to his help, they were able to become titled domain realm formidable warriors.

Domain realm masters were very powerful but the normal domain realm masters were nothing in the domain world. Only titled domain realm formidable warriors had say in the world.

"Thank you." In the end, Tang Ningyu still thanked Ling Lan. After all, he still received help from Ling Lan after he burst out in anger towards her.

"There's no need to thank me. This is your fate. I just happened to be part of it." Ling Lan didn't take the credit.