Three Stars Lock!

"Yes, general." Jin Anlong instantly contacted the headquarters. While waiting for the headquarters' reply, he looked at his general worryingly.

"General, it's four versus three now. Will our god-class operators be able to handle it?" It was their turn to be in danger.

"We must stop them. You'll take over the command from now." Qi Yaoyang started walking out of the command center.

"General, where are you going?" Jin Anlong was puzzled.

"To participate in the war," Qi Yaoyang answered without turning around.

"That is a battle between god-class operators. General, don't be rash." Jin Anlong was agitated. Their general was an imperial operator but those were god-class operators. He would die if he fought with them.

Qi Yaoyang turned around and smiled brightly. "If we don't try it, how will we know the result?" He walked into the elevator leading to the mecha hold. Jin Anlong wanted to persuade him but the elevator door had already closed.