
Everyone from Lingtian who could fight had already met up with their respective opponents. Everyone was putting their lives on the line to complete their given mission, because they knew what price they would have to pay if they couldn't. If their lives were needed to save the lives of their comrades, they wouldn't even flinch when accepting the deal.

In their minds, their own lives didn't really worth much to them, but the precious lives of their comrades must be protected!

The fights in every hall were all fought with maximum intensity. However, one of the halls stood out as the fight there had reached a crucial turning point.

Lord Kun, who had easily jumped past the Green hall and went straight into the main hall, was stopped by Li Lanfeng and Zhao Jun who were guarding it..

The past majestic and picturesque main hall was now half-destroyed with the marble floors being pulverized to bits and the walls collapsing on itself.