
On their way, Fang Xingjian gradually learned about the identities of these four Knights.

They all came from Lathander Royal Academy and were level 19 Knights who had transitioned for five years.

The lady with green hair was about twenty-eight to twenty-nine years old and was the leader of this team. Her name was Reiya and she excelled in archery. She always carried a warm and gentle smile, but the other three would never go against her orders.

The man who was wearing a metallic armor was called Tai Long. He was good in using a pair of axes and had a strength attribute of over 80 points. When he charged forth while wearing his set of armor, he would be akin to a human tank.

That wretched-looking, thinnest fellow was called Grand. He specialized in stealth and assassination. His speed was about 85 points which was about the same as Fang Xingjian's speed now that he was injured.