
"Too slow, too slow, too slow."

From the age of five, every time I opened my eyes, the first thing I heard was Teacher's furious bellow which was akin to that of a hot-tempered lion.

I am a member of Garcia. In Garcia, every boy will need to start receiving warrior training from the age of 5.

They said that a cheetah from the wilderness had given birth to me. Compared to those warriors who had been born from bears, wolves and dogs, my speed seems to be faster. As for who my father is, no one knows.

People from Garcia do not need parents; we only need comrades.

Running with weights, practicing archery, training with spears, swords and sabers... all these are now common occurrences.

We battle with lions and tigers in the forest and wrestle with huge bears on the ice plains. We board large ships to cross the seas and fight it out with pirates and soldiers.

"Too slow, too slow, too slow!"