Within A Second

Fang Xingjian's footsteps landed lightly on the stone slab before the entrance. A hint of breeze followed him, encompassing the area one hundred meters around him. Even though he was blind, he could clearly sense any situation within a one hundred meter radius.

The scene reconstructed in his brain allowed him to see clearly. Hundreds to a thousand apprentices collapsed on the ground behind him. Some of them were moaning, some were letting out terrible cries, while some simply fell unconscious.

They were all defeated within a short half minute, each of them by a single move. They could not even clearly see how they were defeated.

Fang Xingjian could sense that there were eight powerful Knights waiting for him behind the door. Each of these eight Knights had a heart as powerful as an electric motor, their blood flowing through their bodies like a gushing river, bringing forth great power and speed.