Buy, Buy, Buy (Part II)

What appeared before Fang Xingjian and Ferdinand was a pitch-black, streamlined longsword. It had many weird holes and imprints.

The boss then introduced, "Putting aside the sword body of this Demoness' Howl, it is a high quality item, a level 9 Empire's Divine Weapon.

"And the most unique part of it lies in the one hundred and twenty-three wind prints on its body. As long as the sword is swung quickly, slicing through the air, it can create a sound like the howl of a demoness. It can cause your opponent to feel irritated and even possibly angered."

With the slash of the longsword, a muffled cry sounded out, as if a female ghost were crying.

Hearing this voice, the boss, Ferdinand and even the twelve guards all furrowed their brows, a feeling of annoyance growing in their heart.

However, Fang Xingjian was expressionless. His willpower could allow him to easily overcome sound attacks of such level. He merely looked at the longsword and nodded, saying, "How much?"