Arena (Part V)

Meng Hao's face had an extremely arrogant appearance. The cautiousness and patience he’d had for the past few decades had disappeared completely.

Feeling the thousands of gazes on him, he felt extremely satisfied and had a great feeling of delightfulness and exaltation.

This feeling made him his aura grow even stronger. In addition to his physique and strong presence, when Meng Hao stood in front of Fang Xingjian, he seemed like the Hulk fighting Captain America. [1]

Moreover, he understood clearly as to just how strong the diabolic energy he had was.

There were a total of twelve types of diabolic energy, which led to the segregation of twelve schools of Mages and twelve types of sorcery.

The sorcery he had was Red Sorcery, performed by a powerful Red Robed Mage.