The Wait

The group advanced once again and, in the blink of an eye, appeared at the third stage's Heavenly Waterfall Lake. Looking at the plunging Heavenly Waterfall, everyone's faces revealed astonishment of varying degrees.

Hoppes sighed and said, "The work of the second generation Headmaster is still soul-stirring no matter how many times I see it. This Heavenly Waterfall Lake is really an uncanny work of great splendor."

Head of Department James laughed, "Hahahaha, there's no one again? To be clearing all the stages of the Killing Techniques Palace within a day... Hahahaha... Hoppes, has there ever been such a person in the history of the Great Western Region Regional Academy?"

"No." Hoppes shook his head and said, "Forget about the Great Western Region, there hasn't even been such a case across the Empire's eight regions. Fang Xingjian is the first."