
Smiling Face smiled, as if he had wanted to say a few words to ease up the tension. However, Fang Xingjian had already made his move.

As strong gales blew by, scorching heat currents rippled through the air. There even seemed to be the faint burning smell of high temperatures.

The lady in plaits had already activated her Reduced Force Field the moment the gales started. Simultaneously, she quickly retreated 100 meters away.

However, she had just managed to stand firm when she saw Fang Xingjian swing his hand across. He was holding onto one of her plaits. Her eyes opened wide as she had not managed to see how Fang Xingjian made his attack.

Fang Xingjian said nonchalantly,"The fact that I can get your hair means that I'll be able to do the same to your head." Sweeping a glance toward the lady in plaits, he continued,"I don't need a second move to kill a person at your level."