
Charlie's brows twitched as he asked, "This... Could it be that these are the documents for the Church of Universal Truth's Martial Techniques Grading Plan?"

The others lifted their heads as well, taking turns to ask the questions that were on their mind. It was because they noticed that the sword techniques recorded were all sword techniques which had brought their academies to fame. However, right now, the various aspects of the sword techniques were being recorded in great detail by someone else.

Although the concrete cultivation method was not documented, even just the densely packed data alone had already caused them to be terror-stricken.

"These are the documents for the Martial Techniques Grading Plan. However, the more detailed portions are classified as highly confidential, so pardon me for not being able to say any more. The main reason I've invited everyone here today is to ask if there are any problems or errors with these documents."