Merger and Death

The merger of Tyrant and Fang Xingjian was in order to use Tyrant's unique body structure to imitate the Heavenly Abyss Annihilation Armor and stick onto Fang Xingjian like a layer of armor.

While Tyrant did not appear any different, he had engulfed a body which was at the level of a Demigod with two tiers of perfection. After Tyrant merged with Fang Xingjian's body, Fang Xingjian could now draw out the power from the 1,440 specialty seeds.

With this merger, Fang Xingjian felt an immense amount of power was gushing forth from void space, and the vital energy and blood in his body were seething like they were part of a great surging river.

At this moment, Fang Xingjian felt as if his physical strength had suddenly increased by 10, or even 100 times. Endless amounts of energy surged forth from the many specialty seeds in his body, giving him a strong feeling of exhilaration.