Breaking Through

'This feeling...?

'The physical particles in my body are being stimulated incessantly?'

However, upon feeling that his brain was about to reach its limits soon, Fang Xingjian did not allow himself to stay to savor the feeling. He swept out continuously with his longsword, sending away the high temperature shock waves in the surroundings. Then he brought the Thunder Monarch along with him as he entered spatial gaps.


In the joint command post of Xin Country and the Federation in Demonic City, everyone was extremely nervous.

"Powerful tremors are being detected in the Western Central Province!"

"All electronic communications across the Central Province have been destroyed. They probably won't recover within 48 hours."

"Fire has broken out in the Southern Central Province."

"The mushroom clouds from the explosions have exceeded an area of 100 kilometers and are continuing to spread out."