First Onslaught

"Where is Beijing?"

"What is a mental health center?"

"This person's clothes are very strange."

Just as the many deceased souls were looking at the man in a white coat with curiosity and doubt, an elderly man walked out slowly while holding onto his cane. He asked, "You said that you're from Beijing?"

The little girl asked, "Grand Duke Alba? You're from the Jade Dynasty 5,000 years ago. Do you know of this Beijing?"

This man who was called Grand Duke Alba was a top scholar of the Jade Dynasty, which had ruled over the world 5,000 years ago. Everyone was filled of admiration for his great knowledge.

Grand Duke Alba nodded and said, "The world that we're in has been subject to some kind of unknown curse. Based on the records on the Book of Origin, a total of 12 disasters will descend upon us. They can also be referred to as the 12 onslaughts.