
The undulations of the deep pool were visibly getting increasingly stronger. Then at the next moment, a large red figure darted out abruptly, leaping out from the deep pool.

It was a strange fish that was covered in red scales all over. The fish had a single horn on its head and a face like that of a human.

Its human face had a very savage appearance, just like a lady overwhelmed by wrath. The fish's eyes were gleaming with scarlet red light.

The huge human-headed fish was about as big as an aircraft carrier, and the moment its tremendous head got out of the water, the fish let out a loud roar. Its overwhelming power raised it higher and higher, making it seem as if it was going to leave the deep pool and fly into the sky.

However, the nine chains were pierced through its body, and they were all stretched taut when the fish flew to the highest point. Loud bangs rang out, making one worry if those chains were going to break at any moment.