Those Who Kneel Shall Not Die

Elder Ou Bai was the first to react. With a furious bellow, his body flashed with over a thousand beams of white light bursting out from his body, taking on the appearance of several thousand gods.

He then punched out across space, and the several thousand gods also punched out together concurrently. It was as if the gods were in a rage, delivering divine punishment.

A myriad of thunderbolts and flames gushed out toward Fang Xingjian. Elder Ou Bai's infuriated attack had been brought out with his full power.

However, how many experts were there present in this gathering? With there being the seven great clans and countless other powers, there were over 100 people present just among the second transition Knights alone. There were also over ten Demigods. As such, Elder Ou Bai's attack attracted gazes of the many people present.

Different thoughts flashed through everyone's mind at lightning speed.