Saint Seiya

As Fang Xingjian finished his words, the entire live streaming channel went into a huge uproar.

"Damn! So Saint Seiyas were real!"


"That person who said that Saint Seiyas are real! Don't you dare run away!"

"Can he also use constellations as reflectors?"

"The closest constellation is at least several million light years away. What the heck is there to reflect?"

"What the heck?! The building is flying?!"

"The brother over there, you're seriously lagging."

Fang Xingjian lifted his head to look toward the sky where the waxing moon could be seen. Although the sun was still out, a bright moon could also be seen suspended in the sky.

He said calmly, "Of course, I can't do something like using constellations to reflect attacks. It's also meaningless. However, I can use this beautiful moon you have here in the sky as a reflector."