Round Up In One Swoop

Sparks splattered everywhere as White Lion almost brushed against the opponent's claws while dodging. Despite this, he was still inflicted with three white marks by the seething air, just like blade slashes on a steel plate.

White Lion's eyes narrowed. His body's toughness was almost comparable to a tank's plating, but the other party was still able to slice through the air and leave white scratch marks on him. How terrifying was his attacking prowess?

However, just after White Lion avoided the first attack, the silver-white wolf figure once again appeared behind him, clawing out like a white ghost.

Pffft! This time around, White Lion was dealt a direct hit. Then as blood splattered everywhere, a stream of platinum sword Qi suddenly burst out and slashed Jefferson's body. It pierced through Jefferson's chest and almost slashed the huge wolf into two from the waist.