Warding Off

In the Northern Ice Region's snowy mountains, the Fifth Prince landed before the Holy Light Clan's head, Jacob. This expert, who was the strongest amongst the seven great clans, did not possess the Sudden Inspiration ability, thus he was unable to even react in time to this first strike.

Moreover, the Fifth Prince's fist contained a strange magical force. The God of Universal Truth's power exuded milky white flames on his fist, pushing off the Three Worlds' Eradication.

With this punch, its destructive prowess affected the microscopic world. It could tear apart light, destroy physical particles, and annihilate any life he wished.

When Fang Xingjian arrived here, he followed the directions of his Sudden Inspiration and set up a block in front of Jacob, striking out with a finger at almost the same time the Fifth Prince launched his attack.

All-Conquering Sword!
