Charge Out

The people on the ground looked at the scenes happening in the sky with gazes of despair.

Some people fled frantically, while others fell and sat down on the ground. Most people just lifted their heads and looked toward the sky with a dazed gaze.

"It's useless. There's no way to escape this."

"Even Xingjian isn't their match?"

"They are too strong. Their powers induce too much despair."

"Damn it, I still don't want to die."

"Xingjian, surrender!"

"That's right, surrender!"

Seeing that his side was gaining the upper hand, True Lord Qingshan had already felt that victory was in his hands. He looked down at Fang Xingjian who was under the sword shadow and shouted out in his consciousness, "Fang Xingjian, are you still going to fight to the death? It's impossible for you to win.

"If you continue to resist, I will crush you and all of your subordinates into powder. Are you still going to be so stubborn?"