Human Heart

"Since you're so stubborn, I'll cripple your sword arts first!"

Amidst the flames in the sky, the area within a range of several hundred thousand meters was encompassed by the Great Radiant World. Then as the Great Radiant World came pressing down, layers and layers of strong gales also came pressing down, causing the space to distort and create layers of ripples.

At the spot above Fang Xingjian's head, that pressure was extremely immense. Fang Xingjian seemed to also react suddenly, drawing out his sword. He then slashed out toward the Great Radiant World in the sky.

However, the impact of the Great Radiant World seemed to be too fierce. The streams of sword light that Fang Xingjian shot out were like many candles got extinguished. Under the Patriarch's confident gaze, Fang Xingjian was completely pressurized by the light screen above the capital.