
Compared to the observations made by Yue Shan's and Charlotte's group, the First Prince's grasp of the battle situation was even more accurate. After all, he had once been the strongest expert amongst the younger generation in the Empire.

Looking at the battlefield, his brows creased more and more tightly. "Not only has this evil god's clone reached the microscopic realm, but its grasp of the microscopic world is even above that of the two Guardian Kings.

"It has a very great grasp of the powers at level of the microscopic world that forms its body. This makes his body density extremely high—probably much higher than that of even the Red Mage King—and allows each force it sends out to comply with the rules of the microscopic world. Each punch or kick the clone sends out will all be attacks at the microscopic level.

The First Prince exhaled and looked at the purple monster before him, feeling a deep sense of horror.