Serious Injuries

Richard was unaware of these pieces of information. Moreover, Philip had trained hard in the Universal Truth Longsword since young and had some connections with the Church of Universal Truth.

"Father, the Empire's internal strife has just ended, and the country has been dealt a great blow. Our only way out is to rely on the Church.

"Otherwise, it will be like the plains down south who are coming down on us with a great might. Neither the 11 Sacred Generals nor the Heavenly Lion King are existences we're able to stop! If Fang Xingjian wants to rule over the Empire, then let him do it. We can't stay on this sinking ship together with him!"

"That's enough." Philip waved his hand. "I know what to do. There's no need for you to say this much."

"But..." Richard had not finished speaking when a stream of martial will scanned his body. It forced back the words he was about to say, leaving only a grudging gaze in his eyes.