
The moment the Heavenly Lion's Roar was unleashed, it broke through a bit of the Celestial Eradication Sword Formation. It even managed to use the ability of controlling ether particles to block Fang Xingjian's attack.

Taking this opportunity, the Heavenly Lion Clone slapped its palms together and unleashed the Heavenly Lion's second divine ability—Universal Prestige.

During ancient times, humans believed that there were spirits in the world. The heavy weight of the atmosphere in the sky and the great depths of the earth's gravitational forces kept on pressing down on mankind. Humanity was made to stay on the ground earnestly and forced to grovel before the world. This was seen as the Universal Prestige.

The Heavenly Lion Clone could control the gravitational forces in the atmosphere within a region and was believed to be capable of unleashing the universe's prestige and dominance.