End of the World

It was like looking at the end of the world. Fang Xingjian's gaze flickered slightly.

His body started to float up slowly, and he stood there several hundred meters in void space. Waves of martial will swept out in all directions, observing the situation in this city.

Everything he saw was in utter dilapidation. Towering buildings—which were several hundred meters high—had collapsed to the ground and the entire city was in a quiet state, as if there were no human existing.

"War? Or is it a natural disaster?"

Fang Xingjian's gaze changed slightly. He immersed himself into his Sudden Inspiration, starting to sense this parallel world that he had arrived in and what he needed to do to clear it.

Almost at the instant he was immersed in his Sudden Inspiration, an intense killing intent slowly rose out from his body. The seething killing intent was like thick blood plasma, and there seemed to be the piercing smell of blood in the air.