
'A period of life and death.' Hearing Qiu Dao's words, the countenances of all Six Heavenly Generals changed.

All of them were the same as Fang Xingjian, often splitting out clones and sending them to the Divine Emperor's territories to conduct investigations.

However, as the six of them did not have powerful microscopic level illusory arts like Fang Xingjian, they could not probe as closely and find out as much about the situation in the Divine Emperor's territories.

Amongst the people in the Qiu Dao Alliance, Qiu Dao was the strongest and managed to find out the most information. Therefore, he had the greatest authority amongst the Qiu Dao Alliance.

At the thought of this, Fang Xingjian sighed a little inwardly. With his illusory arts, if he were to spend a few months' time, he would be able to find out the Divine Emperor's location in the physical world.