
Just as the various influences were secretly coming up with conjectures regarding Grade's situation...

In the conference, Qin Wang kept on trying to persuade Grade to calm down. From the side, the Witch of Trepidation watched them coldly. Her eyes were flashing with contempt.

'This is just a lunatic, a monster. You people from the Gray Army think that you'll be able to control him?'

Faced with Qin Wang's explanations and persuasions, the black figure became increasing savage-looking as it let out loud cries. The black air currents also became darker and darker like splattering ink.

"Lord Grade, please remain calm. You can't resolve the problem like this."

"Remain calm?" The black figure bellowed, "Try having several hundreds people quarreling in your head everyday. We'll see if you can remain calm then!"

As Grade bellowed out, the black air currents turned into violent gales that descended from the sky and gushed out toward Qin Wang directly.