Pursue and Kill

The Orange Army required one's character to be that of dedication and self-sacrifice. Therefore, Fahui could be said to be the most selfless person out of everyone present. His suggestion immediately got the approval from Hui He and the others.

Fahui tossed the Abyss sword into the air, and each of the five experts present immediately sent out a portion of their powers gushing toward the longsword.

The rings' energies and the powers in the Divine Sword interacted together, and the five people present could all sense the strong powers.

The eyes of both Hui He and the King of Trepidation had complicated expressions.

'This power must be in my grasp.'

The same thought occurred in both their minds.

Just then, a stream of sword light seemed to tear through void space and arrived at the scene.

It was a man with long swaying hair and a set of long white robes draped casually on his body, faintly revealing his well-toned body.