
Fang Xingjian frowned, yet he slowly savored the aftertaste from the waves. He thought, 'It seems like this demonic figure has already broken out from the confinement. He has no reason, thoughts, or even memories. This mind demon... To think that it's just a hint of repercussive waves from thoughts...?'

Looking at the countless corpses in the crypt, Fang Xingjian could not help but think of the words 'remarkable abilities'. To be able to create such a terrifying scene from just leaving a hint of remnant thoughts behind... If this mind demon were to break out from the seal, there was probably no one in the entire Eastern Sand Region who would be able to stop it. It would be as if a natural disaster has fallen.

'A string of thought alone is enough to bring chaos to the world?'

The Plenary Foundation Septet's abilities seemed to be greater than his earlier estimations.
