Sattva Sword Technique

At the next instant, Yan Feibai launched a punch across space. With the additional space-collapsing effect, the fist that was moving at 50% of light speed struck the three martial art projections very quickly. It instantly caused the three martial art projections that each had the power of 90,000 martial will points to explode. 

At their level, almost each time they attacked, the attack would surpass light speed. Their destructive prowess would also be sufficient to annihilate planets. It was almost too hard to defend or detect, and one could only dodge or put up resistance before the attack was launched.

The two of them engaged in a series of intense fights. With a nonchalant expression, Yan Feibai gripped onto the black hole with one hand and easily suppressed eight martial art projections with the other, occasionally crushing Fang Xingjian's martial art projections.