Dealing with Qin Yun

Days later, in County Governor Manor's dungeon.

A beautiful woman was looking anxiously into the dungeons. Far into the distance, a scholar was being imprisoned.

"Hubby! Hubby!" The beautiful woman shouted.

"Leave after you are done seeing him." County Governor Gongye, who was standing beside her, grabbed her. He easily pulled her out of the dungeon. With Gongye beside her, the beautiful woman had no means of resisting.

The imprisoned scholar breathed softly. Pain effused from every wound on his body as he could barely make out his wife's voice.


The scholar looked up but his wife could no longer be seen in the dark dungeon.

In another room in County Governor Manor, there was an elegant bed. Even the blankets were made of extremely soft and smooth silk. The screens that enclosed the room were extremely intricate.


Gongye waved his arm and the beautiful woman stumbled and fell onto the bed.