Gongye Bing's True Identity

Qin Yun entered through the main entrance and quickly came to a front yard.

The front yard was huge. Under a large tree were a stone table and bench where Gongye Bing was sitting leisurely. On the stone table was an alcohol flask that was being heated by a tiny stove that contained embers glowing red. The nights of late autumn were already very cold.

In front of Gongye Bing was a cup of alcohol and a plate of peanuts.

"Come, have a seat." Gongye Bing looked at Qin Yun with a smile.

Qin Yun frowned slightly as he scanned his surroundings. He could sense that an array formation had been set up in Chen Garden ahead of time. However, he still needed to come! Firstly, he was confident in himself and believed that the array formation set up by Gongye Bing was inferior to the one the imperial government set up for County Governor Manor. Secondly, his father's life was on the line. He had to come.