Bright Moon Over River

The enhancement of the flying sword going from sixth-grade to fifth-grade was done by nurturing it constantly with sword intent. And in the recent few months, his Misty Rain Sword Intent had reached the realm of sword intent domain. It added several characteristics of sword intent to the flying sword after its breakthrough. Even a nonchalant wave of it would result in sword flashes that manifested a blurry misty rain that had a faint sense of exuberence and sentience.

The demonstration of the Misty Rain Sword Art was naturally done easily.

Unknowingly, the mid-autumn scene surfaced in Qin Yun's mind. The gentle sounds of the river's waters, the blurry moonlight and his uncontrollable kiss with Yi Xiao above the clouds.

That gentle river water…

The blurry moon hanging high in the sky…

The fairy under the moon was even more unforgettable.

"Phew!" Qin Yun put away his sword and stood there. He lightly exhaled a sword breath.
