Sis Yuqing

Palatial Lord Essence Charm quickly calmed himself and sat down. He smiled at Qin Yun and Hong Lingtong before sighing. "Sorry for the outburst. I made a fool of myself in front of you two."

"Senior Essence Charm, you were just excited over your sect's future," commented Hong Lingtong.

Palatial Lord Essence Charm nodded and said with a smile, "I'm already an old man. I'll probably not see the day my Scenic Mountain Sect is restored to being a Daoist sacred land. But if all the manuals are returned, my Scenic Mountain Sect will constantly increase in strength, with each generation being stronger than the other. In several hundred years or even a thousand years, my Scenic Mountain Sect will definitely be restored to a Daoist sacred land."

Qin Yun and Hong Lingtong nodded.