The Day of the Immortal Abode's Opening

"Inspector Heavenly Ambassador?" Guihai Cheng and the azured-clothed guard, who were both kneeling on the ground, turned pale in the face.

"He's actually an Inspector Heavenly Ambassador. That… That…" The two of them were cultivators, so they naturally knew what it meant to be an Inspector Heavenly Ambassador! The patriarchs of many second-tier cultivators sects were unqualified to be Inspector Heavenly Ambassadors. Very few could become one in the Jiang Prefecture.

As for Li Yuqing, who was carrying her daughter on her back, she was looking at Qin Yun in a daze.

She was once the daughter of an official's family. She naturally knew of Inspector Heavenly Ambassadors.

"It's only been eight years and Brother Yun has become an Inspector Heavenly Ambassador?" Li Yuqing found it unbelievable.

The youth that was obsessed with practicing his swordplay at Western Mountain Sword Garden was already an Inspector Heavenly Ambassador?