Simmering Anger

Grand Dominance. Qin Manor.

Qin Yun with Yi Xiao and the Yellow-scarved Strongman landed together, coming to the yard he usually meditated in. The clean yard indicated that it was cleaned on a daily basis.

"Yellow-scarved Strongman," said Qin Yun.

"Yes, my Lord," said a polite Yellow-scarved Strongman immediately.

"From this moment forth, you should protect Qin Manor and protect my family members. As for the details, I will instruct you when the arrays are done setting up," said Qin Yun. "You can take your leave for now."

"Yes." Yellow-scarved Strongman said politely. Following that, his body vanished into a stream of light.

"Xiaoxiao, let's go greet Senior Yi first," said Qin Yun.

"Alright." Yi Xiao nodded. She naturally showed great respect for her patriarch.

The couple quickly saw Patriarch Yi setting up the array formation in a garden.

"Senior (Patriarch)," Qin Yun and Yi Xiao shouted politely.