Paramount realm!

Qin Yun stood on the thick layer of ice that had formed on the mirror-like lake. It was completely silent other than the sound of the sword singing through space. Qin Yun would occasionally notice his wife who was boiling hot tea by the lake as she spectated his sword practice. He could not help but smile.

He had spent his recent days very happily.

He had frequently toured Grand Dominance City with his wife and discussed which restaurant's food was better.

They would even watch some street-side performances together and throw copper coins just like any other normal citizen.

The couple even secretly visited brothels like Swallow Phoenix Brothel and watched the performances of the renowned courtesans…

They had cast Divine Concealment Spell, keeping very low profiles.

At home, they would occasionally have drinks with their parents and elder brother or give pointers to their nephew and niece on their swordplay.