Reappearance of the Jade Bottle

Lu Prefecture. Yanglai County City. Ximen family.

The Ximen family was a family clan that was famous throughout all of Lu Prefecture. Its patriarch was a Connate Golden Core cultivator from the Daoist sacred land, Primordial Chaos Sect. Naturally, his entire family's standing rose together with his. In Yanglai County, the family wielded absolute power. Every newly appointed county governor would have to first visit the Ximen family.

However, the Ximen family had recently plunged into terror.

"Second Master, Second Master!" A servant called for the second master, Ximen Zhen.

Ximen Zhen was the second son of the Ximen family patriarch, Ximen Feng. As he had reached the Connate False Core realm, he was made the head of the Ximen family.

"What happened now?" Ximen Zhen shouted helplessly as he looked at the panic-stricken servant.

"The three cultivators we invited are all dead," whispered the servant.