Fire Phoenix City

Qin Yun took the sword and inspected it. It was old and unadorned but it sent a cold chill through him. "It's a fifth-grade Dharma treasure. Its quality is extraordinary but the refinement process is overly crude. If the refinement techniques were better, it would easily have been refined into a third-grade Dharma treasure."

"I'll go out and kill a few fiendish demons," said Qin Yun as he tapped his feet and shot out the cave.

"Wing!" The girl exclaimed as she chased after him.

As for the three youths standing by the cave's entrance, they were staring at the six rapidly approaching figures with weapons in hand.

"There are six fiendish demons. We are going to be in big trouble." The three youths were panic-stricken.

"Wing is currently making a breakthrough. He cannot be disturbed."