Preparation for War

In a yard of the Fire Phoenix City's Highwarrior family.

Qin Yun was practicing with his sword as sword flashes surged like a tide, leaving anyone who saw them stifled.

"How powerful." Firephoenix Yuqing and Cailan were watching not far away.

"Yun's sword arts are the strongest I've ever seen." Firephoenix Yuqing could not help but comment.

Cailan nodded as well. "Temple Lord has also praised Elder Yun for his impressive sword arts. His attainment in sword arts alone would rank him in the top five among humanity's nine great cities."

"You call that praise?" Firephoenix Yuqing could not help but remark. "Among all the Elders in Fire Phoenix City, Yun is the only one that uses a sword. There aren't many Elders who use swords in the nine great cities. So what if he's ranked in the top five? I think Yun's sword skills should be either first or second in all of humanity."