Sword Refinement Threading, Scuffing the Void!

"No good!" Jadeface's expression changed drastically as he retreated with his feathered fan in hand. 180,000 feathers flew out, forming a massive flower that swirled around him. The flower was covered in layers of petals, and it was the life-preservation technique Jadeface had.

Qin Yun naturally knew that Jadeface was powerful.

Cloudfiend Mountain had five fiendcelestials. Three of them were at the first Firmament of the Essence Soul realm! Jadeface was the strongest among the three and that made him rather famous in the world. He was definitely at the peak of the Essence Soul's first Firmament! The refinement of his Dharma treasure, Centaurea Fan, was commissioned by Cloudfiend Mountain Lord at great cost. It was refined personally by Golden Royal Palace's Palatial Lord and it became the treasure that suited Jadeface the best.

With the Centaurea Fan in hand, Jadeface was extremely capable of protecting himself.
