Happy Meeting, Sorrowful Parting

Hong Lingtong was knowledgeable about many things; yet, he was stunned by the exchange happening before him.

"The purple-robed man is a mortal fiendish demon with a Connate Golden Core body, yet he is able to produce strength that barely reaches the third Firmament Essence Soul realm," thought Hong Lingtong as he observed. "If he rapidly increases his fiendcelestial strength, enhances his body's Dharmic powers, and finds a suitable and more powerful Dharma treasure, he will probably be able to produce strength akin to the peak third Firmament Essence Soul realm!"

"With such strength, it probably means that he is an ancient fiendcelestial that descended from an Other Realm," thought Hong Lingtong.

Combat strength at the peak third Firmament Essence Soul realm was already very terrifying. Such strength in ancient times could match that of a Skygod!