

The flying sword vanished in midair like a wisp of misty rain before appearing right beside the behemoth. Bam! The behemoth's long tail crossed the space like a phantom, managing to perfectly block the flying sword. The tail had boundless strength, sending the flying sword sailing backward.

"Somewhat interesting. I have to avoid that tail as best as I can." Qin Yun furrowed his brows.

The recoiling flying sword suddenly flashed, tunneling into the void and vanishing. It was already at the behemoth's abdomen when it appeared again! This was a spot that was unwieldy for a tail to block.


The flying sword penetrated the behemoth's abdomen as though slicing through empty space, leaving behind a gruesome wound that nearly split the behemoth's body in two. Following that, the flying sword flew out from the behemoth's back, splattering blood across the skies.