Myriad Temple's Second Invitation

The blue-robed elder proceeded cautiously as he lead Qin Yun to a few palatial halls at the back of City Lord Manor.

"City Lord." The blue-robed elder pointed ahead and said, "These few palatial halls are where Tiemo Tu used to reside and spend his time cultivating."

"Oh?" Qin Yun looked over.

There were a group of beauties already gathered ahead of him. Some were human, some demonesses, and there were even a few girls dressed as attendants.

All of them were prostrating reverently. None of them dared to even lift their heads.

"Two attendants stay. The rest can leave," ordered Qin Yun with a frown.

The beauties and demonesses immediately felt uneasy. They could not help but look up at Qin Yun, making it a point to give a delicate face or have eyes filled with anticipation. They clearly wished they could be companions of the new city lord!