Familiar Figure

Qin Yun attacked anxiously and hastily with his strongest sword move, the one he just created. The Dreamlike Sword's sixth move, First Lightning Encounter, was like a spring breeze that brought with it a light rain. It was extremely gentle and all its might was converged.


A wisp of smoky rain tore through the chaotic battlefield in a flash. Many of the third Firmament Essence Souls from the various top factions barely noticed it as they were in a mad rush for treasures.

"Daoist Yu, I'm better so these are mine." A young Daoist with a protruded mouth sent another Daoist cultivator retreating. By simply extending his hand, he made five blurry air columns condense in midair. They headed straight for a bunch of treasures that were flying away just a short distance away. But at that moment, Qin Yun's Misty Rain Sword happened to fly past! In order to save Meng Huan, Qin Yun directed his Misty Rain Sword to take the shortest possible path.