
Dao Seeking Sword Mansion was a very lively place that night. Human and demons gathered under one roof to celebrate the birth of the third swordmaster of their sect.

Sixteen Skyimmortals, Skydemons, and Daoist Blackkill congratulated Qin Yun!

The banquet ended late into the night.

Qin Yun and Daoist Blackkill walked beside each other. Far off, they saw sword mansion disciples who reeked of alcohol walk off in groups. There were human males and tiger demons walking hand over shoulders and there were human-demon couples flying off intimately.

"Humans and demons show signs of rapprochement in Dao Seeking Sword Mansion," thought Qin Yun wistfully. "In the Skywolf world ruled by Yellow-robed Supremacy, humans and demons live together in harmony. In certain places, humans and demons fight, but in other places both species coexist peacefully, with it being common for people to be sworn brothers or couples."