Apprehend Qin Yun

"I am your father."

This sentence resounded in Yiyi's ears as her mind instantly turned blank. In her daze, she even seemed to forget where she was.

She looked at Qin Yun, who was standing right in front of her.

"There's no need to doubt me." Qin Yun looked at his daughter as he stopped concealing his aura.

Their shared bloodline reached deep into the marrow and straight to one's soul.

That resonance and familial feeling, that attachment that could not be controlled…

"Bloodline sensation?" Yiyi looked at Qin Yun as instantly, tears streamed down her cheeks.

At that moment, memories flashed through her mind like lightning. She had been imprisoned in the Fiendcelestial world. Back then, she was only two or three and knew almost nothing. In the Skywolf world, she had no parents or backing. At five or six years of age, she was like a wild reed living on stubbornly. As a mortal, she was placed in the cruel Competition of the Disciples…