Fiends Among Fiends

Fiendlord Baichan was very careful. He did not wish to offend this Green Touring Palace disciple since he was a Dao Ancestor disciple, which gave him status that was much higher than his own.

Even if Qin Yun was weak now, he would probably far exceed him in the future.

Therefore, he was willing to submit in order to avoid conflict.

"I've already submitted to you but you aren't giving me a way out. All I did was to consume some food, and its food I've taken from my own world. Must you be such a busybody?" Fiendlord Baichan was fuming with killing intent. "Since a Dao Ancestor disciple is offended, I might as well offend him thoroughly! I'll kill you off and end the problem at its roots before it leads to endless troubles. Qin Yun… you are mistaken, mistaken because you think too highly of yourself!"