The Great Battle's Curtain Call

Roc Fiend and Old Fiend Fire Puppet found it unbelievable.

An eighth firmament Skydemon was considered a demon king of an area in the Three Realms! In situations where Sagedemon mighty figures were unable to make an appearance, demons that reached the seventh firmament were considered demon leaders of a region, gaining the title of Demon King. Examples were Demon King Prestige Goat and Demon King Bear Mountain. Yet, one who had earned the title of Demon King had died in the Dragon Mountain world!

Furthermore, he had lost his life while joining forces with Roc Fiend.

"You killed Prestige Goat?" Roc Fiend glared at Qin Yun, his eyes filled with bloodlust and anger. Prestige Goat had been his lifelong buddy.