Daoist Fiercefire and Qin Yun

Sect Master Jade Tripod and the Dao Protector stood to the side, not daring to utter a single word. They looked at Qin Yun with pitying eyes.

Fiercefire was in no hurry as he took a long glance at Qin Yun and continued drinking the alcohol casually.

"Fiends are evil and crazed in the way they handle things, but not all so-called esteemed immortals are gentlemen," thought Qin Yun. He learned this very well a long time ago. Before the fiends rose in importance, the ancient demons' Heavenly Courts were destroyed in war, there was the battle of the three main Daoist schools of thought… All of these battles resembled pandemonium. Many sinister and underhanded means were used. Using strength to repress others was not even considered sinister. It could only be described as being domineering.

The strength of a mighty figure could be used for anything!